3D modeling in AutoCAD - Video Tutorials (course) AutoCAD 3D
Presentation of the video on the 3D modeling in AutoCAD Part 1
Want to learn 3D-modeling in AutoCAD? This video course will help you in this. In addition, in the course of learning AutoCAD 3D You will need basic knowledge of working in a 2D AutoCAD. Video (video tutorials) the course will include the principles of work in the light of what you know AutoCAD 2D.
Material 3D AutoCAD video course can be useful to students, architects and engineers who have decided to learn 3D modeling.
AutoCAD 3D video course consists of 2 types of video lessons:
- Theoretical video tutorials AutoCAD 3D.
- Practical video tutorials AutoCAD 3D.
For a better representation of the theme video tutorials 3D AutoCAD theoretical material broken into small pieces.
To reduce the cost of the video on the 3D modeling in AutoCAD. Video Tutorials (course) has been split into parts.
For a more detailed three-dimensional visualization of the drawing completion and / AutoCAD model can be imported in 3D MAX.
AutoCAD - a basic platform. Learning to work in AutoCAD 2D, 3D You will learn any specialized program of AUTODESK.
Course content video "3D modeling in AutoCAD - Part 1"
3D space in AutoCAD
- The required minimum of the theory of 3D space in AutoCAD.
- Octant.
- Coordinate axis in AutoCAD 3D.
- The origin in AutoCAD.
- The world coordinate system (WCS) in AutoCAD.
- User Coordinate System (UCS) in AutoCAD.
- Working XY plane in the AutoCAD 3D.
- The cursor (crosshairs sight) in AutoCAD 3D.
- Setting 3D crosshairs (label, color, size) in the AutoCAD 3D.
- Sight size.
- Viewport controls.
- Manage viewports in model space in AutoCAD.
- Configuration of viewports in AutoCAD.
- Configuration of viewports active model in AutoCAD.
- Custom configuration of viewports in AutoCAD.
- Orthogonal views - standard views in AutoCAD.
- Isometric point of view in AutoCAD 3D.
- The default visual styles for three-dimensional models.
- Manager visual styles in AutoCAD 3D.
- Create and customize your own visual style for the three-dimensional models in AutoCAD 3D.
- User Coordinate System in AutoCAD 3D (UCS).
- Orthogonal user coordinate system.
- Dynamic User Coordinate System in AutoCAD 3D.
- Tools to align the CPM at its discretion.
- Change the UCS in 3D using AutoCAD handles - pop-up menu (the context menu of the CPM handles).
- UCS command in AutoCAD and its options.
- Named UCS in AutoCAD 3D.
- The plan view. The team plan to AutoCAD.
Wireframe modeling in AutoCAD.
- The use of basic and advanced editing commands studied objects in video tutorials 2D AutoCAD to AutoCAD three-dimensional space.
- Similarity command Trim / Extend, Mirror, Scale, Stretch, Fillet, Chamfer, Rotate, Array Copy and Move to AutoCAD 3D.
- Использование специальных команд и опций редактирования объектов в Автокад 3D.
- Command 3DMOVE in AutoCAD - Gizmo transfer.
- Options - Base point, copy, cancel out.
- Command 3DROTATE in AutoCAD - Gizmo's rotation.
- Options - Base Point, copy, undo, the reference yield.
- Command 3DSCALE in AutoCAD - Gizmo scaling.
- Options - Base Point, copy, undo, the reference yield.
- Gizmo in AutoCAD 3D - Gizmo shortcut menu.
- Command MIRROR3D in AutoCAD.
- Options - An object last, Zos, view, XY, YZ, ZX, 3tochki.
- Command 3DALIGN and Align in AutoCAD.
- Property height of 2D-objects in AutoCAD.
- Command 3DMOVE in AutoCAD - Gizmo transfer.
- Nonflat curves in AutoCAD 3D.
- Command Helix in AutoCAD 3D.
- Options - The ultimate point of the axis, coils, coil height, twisting.
- Command 3DPOLY in AutoCAD - 3D polyline.
- Command Helix in AutoCAD 3D.
- Practical video tutorial "frame parts in AutoCAD 3D»
Solid and surface modeling in AutoCAD.
- Creating a three-dimensional solids and surfaces.
- Creating a three-dimensional solid primitives in the AutoCAD 3D. Teams of three-dimensional primitives and their options (Box, Wedge, cone, sphere, cylinder, torus, and pyramid).
- Create 3D-solids and surfaces by extrusion.
- Command PRESSPULL in AutoCAD - Option drawing imaginary faces in AutoCAD 3D.
- Create 3D-solids and surfaces by rotation. Command Revolve and its options in AutoCAD 3D.
- Create 3D-solids and surfaces shift method. Command Sweep and its options in the AutoCAD 3D.
- Create 3D-solids and surfaces by lofting. Command Loft in AutoCAD 3D.
- Command Polysolid in AutoCAD.
- Create a flat surface in AutoCAD 3D - Command Planesurf.
- Logic operations with areas of: union, subtraction and intersection.
- Boolean operations with 3D-bodies in AutoCAD: union, subtraction and intersection.
- Practical video tutorial "Creating a 3D-parts in AutoCAD."
- Cutting 3D-bodies in the AutoCAD 3D - Command Slice in AutoCAD.
- Practical video tutorial "Creating a 3D-parts in AutoCAD 2D drawing from."
Wireframe modeling in AutoCAD 3D
Solid modeling in AutoCAD 3D
Practical video tutorials AutoCAD 3D